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Testing for Jarvis

We will be challanged by both the season (mainly on the low bands) and FWS antenna restrictions. Ahead of Jarvis we want to do as much testing as possible. We have new antennas and an expanded remote operator network. Both need testing. This will also give DX-ers an opportunity to test their stations. (And perhaps put a new one in the log.)

Jun 25 - Jul 02:  Wallis and Futuna, FW7JV. Testing of low band antennas on 160, 80 and 40. As well as some testing of new 40/20 m antenna.

Jul 10 - Jul 25: American Samoa, K8R. Testing of all systems on all bands. CW/SSB/FT8. Also in the IARU contest.

During both test periods actual signal reports will be appreciated. 

GL and 73,




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