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N5J Team Under Way to Jarvis Island

The Magnet, with the N5J team and three USFWS scientists on board, got under way at 0500 AM from American Samoa for Jarvis island. The time required to cover the distance of 1050 Nautical Miles (1940 km) depends on the boat-speed that we are able to maintian. Currently we are cruising at 15 knots (27 kmph) in light winds and moderate seas (waves of 3 to 5 feet). According to the forecast this favorable weather should continue for the next three days. Although we are likely to encounter some opposing currents, we expect to arrive at Jarvis the morning of August 6. If for some some reason we need to slow down, we will time our arrival for the morning of the 7th.

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Jarvis 2024 DXpedition