NCDXF is pleased to announce its financial support for the August 2024 DXpedition to #18 Jarvis Island. The Special Use Permit was issued to the Dateline DX Assn. This will be a 100% RIB, Rig in a Box, operation with four operators on boat and many others operating remotely via satellite internet.
The group is being monitored by US Fish and Wildlife. If this trip is successful, other F&W destinations could be permitted. Some of these are in the top 20 most wanted. Most of the cost is fuel for the boat and the costs associated with F&W. Our mission statement is to provide funding to rare entity DXpeditions and to advance the technology of DXing. Jarvis is a perfect example to meet these requirements.
With that in mind, the NCDXF has granted Dateline DX Assn $75,000 to fund the DXpedition. They hope to receive other funding from other organizations and NCDXF hopes our grant will springboard other donations. They plan to upload to LOTW as soon as practical after the operation. More information on the DXpedition will be available on this website .
The mission of NCDXF is to provide necessary financial support for well-organized DXpeditions to desirable DXCC entities and to support advances in DXpeditioning skills, technology, and infrastructure. Those funds come from the contributions of our supporters in the DX community. Your contribution will help make DX happen. Visit our website:
Respectfully submitted.
Craig Thompson, K9CT
NCDXF Vice President