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Stan Stockton, K5GO/ZF9CW

Stan Stockton, K5GO/ZF9CW

Stan has been licensed for 57 years. His dad was N5DX and now his son holds his grandfather's call. He has operated in two WRTC events - San Francisco with K8CC, Moscow with N5DX, and served as a referee in Boston.
He built a multi-multi contest station in Arkansas 25 years ago with a lot of help from his friends and is now actively working on a station at his home on Cayman Brac where he can be heard in several contests per year as ZF9CW or ZF5T.
His favorite band is 160m and he has won the Stew Perry Contest four consecutive years. He is a life member of CWops, retired, married for 49 years and has two children and seven grandchildren.


27 June 2024


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