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Mark Haynes, M0DXR

Mark Haynes, M0DXR

Married to Georgina, M6YGL. Mark has been licensed for 28 years since he was 12 years old (previously 2E1ERN and 2E0APH) and became hooked on contesting from the outset. His father Keith, G3WRO, taught him morse and by the age of 14 was contesting on this mode. Mark was the RSGB’s Young Amateur of the Year in 1999. Early contest operations that taught Mark a lot were as GB3RS from RSGB HQ with Steve, G4JVG/PJ4DX. 

He is particularly interested in 48 hour operations in SO2R/2BSIQ mode, although does not have the hardware to run this from his home QTH. Guest op entries from the UK these days are from the stations of good friends G3RGS, G0DWV and G3VM. Member of K3LR and M6T multi multi teams. Personal contest call is G9W. Current holder of many of the England contest records. Mark is keen on all bands from HF through to UHF. Mark has operated several times from the TI5W (now TI7W) contest station owned by good friend Kam, N3KS.

Founder and organizer of Contest University (UK). He is chairman of the WRTC UK 2026 project committee. 

Major DXpeditions include: D68C (2001), 8Q7ZZ (2002), FT5XO (2005). Operated from around 40 DXCCs.

Professionally, Mark works as a Senior Project Manager in the rail industry. 


27 June 2024


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