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The Remote Operators The SuperFox FT8 team

Don Mikes, AA1V

Don Mikes, AA1V

Don was first licensed in 1959 as KN4KVP, and has managed to achieve #1 Honor Roll, 5BWAZ, DXCC on 9 bands (over 300 entities on each band except 160m), with 356 total.

He enjoys DXing and contesting, and is a member of YCCC, CWops, K1USN radio club, NCDXF and ARRL.

Now retired, he does volunteer work for marathons and other local events, and has been a support volunteer for several dxpeditions, including a pilot for KH1/KH7Z and K4M .


27 June 2024


The Remote Operators The SuperFox FT8 team
© 2024
Jarvis 2024 DXpedition