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The Remote Operators The SuperFox FT8 team

Angus Alexander, KJ7KOJ

Angus Alexander, KJ7KOJ

Angus got his first license at the age of 12 in the fall of 2019 and is now a junior in High school. He started out working Satellites with his Dad gaining the OSCAR achievement award shortly after. Angus enjoys hunting DXpeditions and learning about the countries that he contacts. In early 2024 he upgraded to Extra. He has a passion for Parks On The Air (POTA), most recently he was the first activator for3 Icelandic parks and activated his first Scottish park.

Angus has DXCC on 5 bands, worked 271 countries and 1100 slots for DX Challenge and placed #2 WW (Youth) in the 2022 CQ DX Marathon. He led a team of 5 operators to 2nd place WW in the 2022 FT-Roundup and placed #2 North America in the 2022 WW-DIGI contest. Angus is a member of the ARRL, Western Washington DX Club and Lake Washington ham club.


27 June 2024


The Remote Operators The SuperFox FT8 team
© 2024
Jarvis 2024 DXpedition