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The Remote Operators The SuperFox FT8 team

Robin Alexander, W7YED

Robin Alexander, W7YED

Robin has been licensed since 1982 holding the callsigns G6HLG, GM4YED and now W7YED. He enjoys chasing DX, SSB/Digital contests and POTA with his family of HAMs. He is pursuing DXCC Honor roll with over 310 countries to date. Robin currently has DXCC on 8 bands and WAS on 9 Bands and he enjoys satellite operating with VUCC (300 - satellite) and over 60 DXCC countries. He was part of a team led by his son that placed 2nd WW in the 2022 FT-Roundup and #2 North America in the 2022 WW-DIGI contest. They were also 1st in the 7th call area during the 2020 CQ WPX SSB Contest.  Robin is a member of IDEXA, Western Washington DX Club, Lake Washington HAM club and a Life Member of the ARRL.


27 June 2024


The Remote Operators The SuperFox FT8 team
© 2024
Jarvis 2024 DXpedition