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The Remote Operators The SuperFox FT8 team

"OKU" Seiji Okumura, JK1KSB

am Oku.

Also WG6O, JA9EZN.

I was first licensed as JA9EZN in 1970.And then licensed as JK1KSB in 1977.

Operated as 8Q7SO(2008, 2010, 2011), WG6O/KH6(2012), FK/JK1KSB(2013) etc….

Writer of the column about High-Band DXing(20m-10m) of the JA CQ ham radio magazine(2015 – 2023).

I am a member of FEDXP(Far East DX-Ploiters), ARRL, JARL.

ex Recording Engineer. ex-president of music studio.


Best regards,


Seiji “OKU” Okumura JK1KSB / WG6O



27 June 2024


The Remote Operators The SuperFox FT8 team
© 2024
Jarvis 2024 DXpedition