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jarvis fox v4 smal
The Remote Operators The SuperFox FT8 team

Miriam Briggs, N1QV

Miriam Briggs, N1QV

Miriam Briggs-N1QV

QTH: South Orleans, MA

Extra Class Licensee: December, 2017

Operating Achievements:

-WAZ: Digital: Jan. 2024

-WAC: Digital: Jan. 2024

-WAS: Mixed: Dec. 2023

-DXCC: Nov. 2023, with 200 sticker endorsement

-Team Member: V84SAA DXpedition Feb. 2019


27 June 2024


The Remote Operators The SuperFox FT8 team
© 2024
Jarvis 2024 DXpedition